Ignoring Instincts: A Perilous Path for Leaders

In the realm of leadership, decision-making is paramount. Leaders are tasked with steering their teams and organizations toward success, often relying on a combination of data analysis, strategic planning, and experience. However, amidst the noise of metrics and forecasts, there’s a quieter voice that leaders sometimes overlook—their instincts. Ignoring these instincts can lead to perilous consequences, jeopardizing both personal and organizational growth. Let’s dive into why leaders should heed their instincts and the potential pitfalls of ignoring them.

Image: A person with their brain highlighted and radiant colors around them.

The Power of Instincts

Instincts, often referred to as gut feelings or intuition, are primal responses that are deeply ingrained in human nature. They stem from a combination of past experiences, subconscious observations, and innate knowledge. While they may not always be rational or easily explainable, instincts serve as valuable guides in decision-making. Here’s why:

  • Rapid Decision-Making: Instincts operate swiftly, providing immediate insights that can be crucial in fast-paced environments where quick decisions are necessary.
  • Holistic Understanding: Instincts often draw upon a wealth of tacit knowledge and subtle cues that may not be evident through data alone, offering a more holistic perspective.
  • Risk Mitigation: In uncertain situations where data may be scarce or unreliable, instincts act as a safeguard, helping leaders navigate risks and anticipate potential pitfalls.

The Dangers of Ignoring Instincts

Despite their significance, instincts are sometimes disregarded or overridden in favor of more tangible factors such as analytics or expert opinions. This tendency can lead to several perilous outcomes for leaders:

  • Missed Opportunities: Ignoring instincts may cause leaders to overlook valuable opportunities that lie beyond the scope of conventional analysis. These opportunities, though unconventional, could be the key to innovation and growth.
  • Strained Relationships: Leaders who consistently dismiss their instincts may appear detached or unresponsive, leading to strained relationships with team members who sense a lack of authenticity or trust.
  • Stagnation: Over-reliance on data-driven decision-making at the expense of instincts can result in a stagnant leadership style, devoid of creativity and adaptability. This rigidity can hinder the organization’s ability to evolve and thrive in dynamic environments.

Cultivating Instinctual Leadership

Recognizing the importance of instincts is the first step toward cultivating instinctual leadership. Here’s how leaders can harness the power of their instincts for better decision-making:

  • Self-awareness: Encourage leaders to develop self-awareness by reflecting on past decisions and the role their instincts played in them. Understanding one’s own intuitive tendencies is essential for leveraging them effectively.
  • Trust-building: Foster a culture of trust within the organization where leaders feel comfortable sharing their instincts and team members feel valued for their input. Open communication channels facilitate the exchange of diverse perspectives, enriching decision-making processes.
  • Balanced approach: Advocate for a balanced approach that integrates both data-driven insights and instincts. Encourage leaders to use data as a foundation while allowing instincts to guide the final decision-making process.
  • Continuous learning: Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. Instincts evolve over time as leaders gain new experiences and insights. Encourage leaders to remain curious and open-minded, embracing change as an opportunity for growth.


In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, instincts serve as invaluable compasses, guiding leaders through uncharted territories and uncertain waters. Ignoring these instincts can lead to missed opportunities, strained relationships, and organizational stagnation. By recognizing the power of their instincts and cultivating a balanced approach to decision-making, leaders can navigate challenges with confidence and steer their organizations toward success. Remember, in the journey of leadership, instincts are not obstacles to overcome but rather allies to embrace.


You can find books on following your instincts here!

Clay Greene
Clay Greene
Articles: 257

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